What are Beaver Scouts?
Beaver Scouts are 6 and 7-year-old boys and girls who like having fun and making friends. The Beaver Scout Section is one of the five Sections that make up The Scout Association, leading up to the Cub Scout Section. Our Beaver colony meet on a Monday during term time between 5:30pm and 6:45pm.
What do they wear?
Beaver Scouts have their own smart, practical uniform comprising a turquoise sweatshirt bearing the "Beaver" motif, Group scarf and a woggle to hold it in place, and trousers.
What do they do?
Beaver Scout activities are a combination of learning and having fun, whether it is simple crafts such as making spaceships and monsters from scrap materials or visits to fun parks or to the zoo.
Beaver Scouting is also about caring and sharing. Beaver Scouts often help their local community in various ways - planting flower bulbs in the park, or collecting pennies for people in need, to name just two.
After a few weeks of going to Colony Meetings, a new Beaver Scout will make their first Promise, thereby joining the Beaver Scout Section. This also makes them a Member of the Worldwide Scout Movement, which has a Membership of over 25 million!